What I know I don't know

We are a few months into our sustainability project, and I have learned a lot in that time. The most important lesson is probably that I know very little of what sustainability actually means. 

Sustainability defined

The straight forward definition according to Google, is:

- the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
"the sustainability of economic growth"
- avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.
"the pursuit of global environmental sustainability"

So, the definition for me and my family would be:
- to keep our finances in order, save up and be mindful of not wasting money
- to do what we can to stay healthy and happy, both physically and mentally
- to make sure we make organic, durable, long lasting decisions for all our investments, big and small

A challenging commitment

And we are off to a fairly good start. It is challenging more or less every day, but just having made the commitment to ourselves makes us aware of what we buy, and if it is something that we need to have, or if it is only nice to have.

Some of the good things have been:
- I spend less money, because I consider every purchase before I buy
- I am considerably better at recycling
- I always look for organic/sustainable options before I buy

Some things that we struggle with:
- we throw away too much food
- we have really low quality kitchen appliances, that use way too much energy (thanks previous owners!)

Waste not, want not

An almost daily annoyance is the waste of food. So what I am trying to do, is plan my way out of it. I make a weekly meal plan, and try to reuse ingredients in the different dishes. When I look for recipes online I try to use the ones that calculate the amount you need of the different ingredients, and buy only as much as I need. It is a challenge though, because very often things are packed in bulk (Spring onion can apparently only be sold in packs of five!), and the bigger you buy, the cheaper it is. For a small family of three, buying in bulk isn't an option. And when there is only one person in the household that eats liver paté - and said person being the smallest one -  throwing some of it out on a weekly basis is almost impossible to avoid. Getting organic liver paté in smaller containers is not possible, as far as I know. But I am slowly getting better, and figuring out little hacks to avoid wasting food. Pro tip: don't go shopping on an empty stomach! It is not good for your wallet, your waste line or the environment...

Making a weekly meal plan, and buying smaller, might not save the planet by itself. But I recon every small step in the right direction, will get you to your goal in the end, and it is definitely worth a try. 

Word of the year 2018

No resolutions for me

It is that time of year. Retrospection and looking ahead. Reflecting and planning. I don’t really do new year resolutions, but I like the idea of evaluating what you are doing and feeling, so you can see if you need to make changes or if you are in a pretty good spot. 

Word of the year

One of the things I have heard a lot about the last few years, but haven’t been able to quite “get”, is finding a word for the new year ahead. A word to focus on and work towards. A few weeks ago, out of the blue, a word popped into my head: healing. “That’s it”, I thought. “That’s my word for 2018”. I have been through a rough patch over the last couple of years. I was depressed, stressed, and anxious. I was in a very bad place both mentally and physically. So I have been working towards getting healthier and happier, and I have come a long way, but my main focus for the new year is to make a conscious effort to heal even more.

One step at a time

So how will I do it? I don’t know! I actually have no idea, but I am thinking if I put one foot in front of the other, show up, do the work, and meet everyone and everything with love and openness, I should be able to manage. Because I know most of the tricks. I have been reading, listening to and watching a lot of things from very clever people the last couple of years. I have so many ways I can be better and do better. From breathing correctly, to being present, to being the love, to make space, to show up, to silence the inner critic, to exercise, to eat better, to sleep more, to figure out what I want from life, to ask for help. What do they all have in common? Look after yourself! Not in a selfish way, but in a way that gives you the energy to be there for others.   


I am confident and excited about the year ahead. I feel it in my bones: it will be a good year filled with high ups and probably a few lows, life wouldn't teach us anything without them, and I am ready for whatever it will bring. When you have seen the darkest darkness and made your way back to the light, things seem a little less scary and overwhelming. Happiness seems to be reachable. Healing, physically and mentally, is absolutely possible.

Happy New Year!