What's the story behind The Happiness Detective?

THD (as we call it here at headquarters - and headquarters being me at a desk in the corner of our dining room) came about roughly a year ago, after I had been struggling with stress and depression for a while. I needed to find something/anything/everything that could make me happy, so I started the search.

I looked into what I was eating (or not eating, in my case). Breakfast and less sugar helped. I looked at exercise (hey, yoga!) and meditation (just call me a Headspace junkie). But most of all, where and when I was most happy was when I was creating something.

So an idea emerged: what if I share what I create with the world, and at the same time share how the journey from being stressed and depressed to feeling in control, unfolded for me? Maybe I could inspire someone else to dig into their own creativity, and find more happiness and calm on the way? Maybe some of the things I learned could spark something with someone else, and help them make the changes they need to do in order to live a happier life. 

So here we are, The Happiness Detective was born, and I am working full throttle to heal myself, and hopefully inspire someone else in the process. 

Some of my resources (I am not affiliated with any of them, just a big fangirl):

Yoga with Adriene (YouTube channel)
Headspace (Meditation App)